Hannes Hacke, paper presentation in the panel "Friktionen einhegen: Kompromiss – Glätten – Kuratieren" at the conference "Friktionen. Für eine politische Wissensgeschichte des Ausstellens" of the doctoral research group "Exhibiting Knowledge | Knowledge in Exhibitions" at Georg August University Göttingen 
Irene Hilden and Andrei Zavadski will participate in the panel "Instituierende Praktiken und Gegen-Geschichten. Friktionen als Hegemoniekritik" at the conference "Friktionen. Für eine politische Wissensgeschichte des Ausstellens" of the doctoral research group "Exhibiting Knowledge | Knowledge in Exhibitions" at Georg August University Göttingen.  
Irene Hilden and Andrei Zavadski will present at the online conference "When publics co-produce history in museums: skills, methodologies and impact of participation" organized by the "Public History as new Citizen Science of the Past" (PHACS) project at the University of Luxembourg’s Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH). 
As part of a DGSKA AG Visual Anthropology Workshop, Magdalena Buchczyk gives a talk on 'Ethnography with, alongside and despite exhibition practice'. 
The panel discussion will take place within the framework of the workshop 'Re/Making and navigating publics' by the DFG Public Anthropology Network, and will be moderated by Magda Buchczyk. 
As part of the Workshop 'Re/Making and navigating publics' Magdalena Buchczyk moderates the roundtable on the topic of Ethnographic Collections. Guests are Paola Ivanov, Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, Benjamina Efua Dadzie, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology University of Cambridge, and Sofia Botvinnik, Museum Europäischer Kulturen. 
At the Minor Cosmopolitan Assembly, Irene Hilden will participate in the panel "Working In/With Archives: Alternative Approaches" (organised & moderated by Johanna Heide).  
Hannes Hacke, together with Andrea Alan Günther, gave a workshop on different queer strategies in education and learning in museums work at the connference „Vom kritischen Vermitteln und Verlernen im Museum“ of the Bundesverbands Museumspädagogik (Federal Association of Museum Education) at Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg 
Julia Leser is co-organizing a workshop dedicated to the critical potential of political ethnography at Marburg University. 
5 pm - 7 pm, Fourth Floor, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Møhrenstraße 40/41 10117 Berlin.
Keynote by Dr. P Sanal Mohan “Irrepressible images of History.”
Other presentations by Dr. Vinil Paul (Lives, Ecology, and Visual Representation of Dalits in Colonial Southwest India), Antony George Koothanady (Jetztzeit Memory and Colonial Photography: Unarchiving Kerala), Habiba Insaf (Collecting India for Berlin Museums). Moderated by Gajendran Ayyathurai.
Within the framework of the exhibition "UnBinding Bodies", experts from museums and universities discuss the potentials and challenges of cooperation - a look behind the scenes of exhibition making. With: Paul Basu (Universität Bonn), Sharon Macdonald and Felix Sattler (HZK/HU), and Barbara Plankensteiner (MARKK). Moderation: Gabriel Schimmeroth (MARKK) 
with Tahani Nadim for the 1. Trialog: Social Cohesion, Migration und Diversity at the Allianz Forum Berlin 
As part of the EASA conference, Magda Buchczyk, together with Regina Römhild and Damani Partridge, convenes the panel discussion, which asks to reinvigorate anthropology's critical exploration of Europeanization processes by focusing on their colonial legacies and their hidden colonial persistence. 
As part of the Global Research Academy 'Sustainable Cities' jointly organised by Freie Universität Berlin, King's College London, and University of São Paulo, Irene Hilden will give a talk on Struggles for Memories in Berlin.  
Against this background of direct instrumentalisation of memories about the 1970-90s transitions, we would like to shift the analytical lens to aspects of dialogism in practices of looking back at these periods and making sense of this time as formative for one’s individual and collective selves. How do diverging perspectives on this past interact, and what are the ‘sites’ of convergence within and between different memories? This focus on existing and emerging mnemonic convergence is underpinned not just by the necessity of overcoming polarisation that manifests itself in the ‘fractured’ or ‘pillarised’ regimes of remembering transitions in Eastern Europe (Bernhard and Kubik 2014). We propose to explore the contradictions and connections within the practices of remembering transitions – vernacular and mediated, local or transnational – as a ground for potential social and political solidarities.
Organised by Ksenia Robbe (University of Groningen), Andrei Zavadski (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), and Agnieszka Mrozik (Polish Academy of Sciences). Part of Memory Studies Association (MSA) Week of Virtual Events.
Panel convened by Roos Hopman, Ingmar Lippert and Tahani Nadim at EASST 2022 
Book launch of the two books 'The wolves are coming back: The politics of fear in Eastern Germany' (Rebecca Pates & Julia Leser, Manchester University Press, 2021) and 'Wolves at the door: Migration, dehumanization, rewilding the world' (Peter Arnds, Bloomsbury, 2021) at the 28th International Conference of Europeanists at Lisbon, Portugal – with panelists Rebecca Pates, Christoffer Kølvraa, Peter Arnds and Julia Leser. 
Alice von Bieberstein, instructor at the Pelion Summer Lab 2022 under the theme "after/lives - spectrality, ruination, survivance." 
Julia Leser is co-organizing the workshop “The Politics of/in Ethnographic Writing” in Frankfurt (Main). The workshop starts on Monday, June 20, 2022, at 6 pm, with a keynote address by Anna Leander (Geneva Graduate Institute) on “Destabilizing Definitions: The Challenge of Doing Ethnographic Concept Work in International Relations”. On Tuesday, June 21, 2022, the workshop will offer a rich program that builds on the keynote and our ongoing engagement with ethnographic writing. We will discuss the promise of ethnographic writing, but also address practical problems of writing up and publishing. We will work collectively on strategies from observation to publication, and we will discuss the changing publishing landscape for ethnographers in political science. 
Julia Leser will give one of the keynote addresses at the Helsinki Conference on Emotions, Populism, and Polarisation (Helsinki, Finland) on the topic of "Affective politics of right-wing populism”. 
Alice von Bieberstein, paper presentation at the conference of the Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Program (Northwestern University, Evanston IL), on the topic of "Sites of Memory, Sites of Loss. Politics of Archaeology and Heritage in Turkey and Post-Ottoman Countries". 
On occasion of Philipp Schäfer’s book launch of “Etablierte Provisorien. Leipzig und der lange Sommer der Migration”, Julia Leser will talk with the author about migration regimes at Pöge-Haus in Leipzig. 
Tahani Nadim will respond to the lecture given by historian, geologist, and documentary filmmaker Terje Tvedt, who will talk about the Nile, a river that remains highly contested in terms of geopolitics and hydropolitics. 
Talk by Tahani Nadim within the framework of the Social Cohesion Status Conference (Berlin University Alliance). 
Magdalena Buchczyk is co-organizing the workshop 'Traces of Sisterhood', a three-day meeting initating a long-term project on sisterhood as a form of social organisation.It will explore the meanings of the concept, the ways in which it mainfests itself, and how it can generate new forms of practice in the local communities and globally. Therefor, the workshop will bring together perspectives from the fields of science, art, culture and activism.  
Film Screening of "Indiens steierne Wunder" (1934, OmE) and discussion with Habiba Insaf. What image of India was produced and what kind of knowledge was to be conveyed to the newsreel audience? In what ways does the film draw a connection between the reality of life in India and Germany? Does the image that was formed of India within the framework of such formats reveal anything about the German self-image or its claim to power on a global political level during the 1930s? How do we deal with difficult heritage today? 
Talk by Magdalena Buchczyk as part of the' Critical Heritage and Social Justice Workshop' (UCL, Institute for Archaeology). 
Public launch event (virtual) with Tahani Nadim, Ina Heumann, Flio Bertoni, Mareike Vennen, Clemens Maier-Wolthausen and Johannes Vogel 
Duane Jethro co-curated the exhibition 'Of Smoke & Ash' at the Michaelis galleries (UCT) which will memorialise the destruction of the historic, iconic Jagger Library building and the loss of its irreplaceable collections of published materials, artworks and archival collections. It will honour and commemorate the unwavering energy and dedication of UCT librarians and archivists within Special Collections and the many hundreds of volunteers from within and beyond the UCT community who assisted with the salvage operations. It is a celebration of the triumph of the UCT community spirit at a time of incredible tragedy. 
Keynote by Tahani Nadim, within the workshop series Anthropocenic Objects. Collecting practices for the age of humans. 
Workshop organized by Elisabeth Heyne and Ulrike Sturm at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin with Frédérique Chlous, Anna-Lisa Dieter, Rebecca Kahn, Nicolas Kramar, Katharina Loske-Schmidt, Tahani Nadim, Richard Pell, Henning Scholz, Colin Sterling, Helmuth Trischler 
Book lunch "Reverberations: Violence Across Time and Space" with Alice von Bieberstein.  
A workshop on dealing with haunting pasts today with Christine Gerbich and Margareta von Oswald, as part of the exhibition 'Whose Expression?' at the Brücke-Museum Berlin.  
Within the framework of the conference “The Presence and Absence of the Past”, organized by the Max-Planck Research Group 'Empires of Memory,' Alice von Bieberstein will take part in a panel discussion on ‘Amnesia, Silencing, Obscolescence'.  
In this presentation Tahani Nadim examines the genome as a biocultural artefact, a historical and material formation connecting the biological and the cultural. She argues that genomes might thus be best understood as “informed matter”, that is, as “constituted in their relations to complex informational and material environments.” (Andrew Barry) In doing so, she is interested in reconstructing how the “human” might be enfolded and implicated in the archives of natural history.  
Workshop organised by Dr. Henri Michel Yéré, Dr. Mavis Machirori, Prof. Dr. Katharina Schramm, and Dr. Lauren Paremoer 
Is it acceptable to exhibit the skull of a dead person without knowing whether they would have consented to it? How does one treat scientific collections with objects from unknown or sensitive contexts? Questions like these will be explored on a tour with the artist and researcher Tal Adler, curator of the video installation ‚Who is ID 8470?‘ in the exhibition ‚After Nature‘. 
Talk by Margareta von Oswald as part of the Afternoon sessions of the network ‘MuseumWhy’.
Larissa Förster will give a talk about the vocabularies of decolonization in the current discourse on
provenance and restitution. 
Irene Hilden will give a presentation as part of the workshop on the Arab collections of the Phonogramm-Archiv, organised by the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) and the Berlin Ethnological Museum (EM). 
Museums are often considered as instruments of dissemination of knowledge created elsewhere, but museums have a deep history as institutions of knowledge creation behind the scenes of their public exhibitions. Tahani Nadim joins Johannes Vogel (MfN) and Ken Arnold (Wellcome Trust; Medical Museion) to discuss the following questions: How is the definition of museum-based research shifting in the 21st century? How can museums facilitate knowledge creation with and by the public? How can exhibitions become experiments? How is collection-based research changing in the face of movements to decolonize museums? How can museum-based research assist in tackling “wicked problems”, from climate change to the biodiversity crash? This interdisciplinary panel will explore the future of knowledge creation in museums. 
Tahani Nadim presents together with Hagit Keysar as part of the Political Imaginations workshop at the Minerva Humanities Center at Tel Aviv University. 
More than 40 years ago, a handful of US-Americans decided what would travel through space on the Golden Records for the next 500 million years. In the Golden Record Studios of the performance art collective matthaei & konsorten, a new archive is being created - with inputs from experts in the fields of anthropology, community building, body practices and logics of collecting. In her contribution, Irene Hilden looks back into the past, reflecting on early sound projects and their practices and imaginations. 
"Vorm verdunkelten Hintergrund des permanenten Rauschens von Krisendiskursen, ängstlichem Stolz auf die Verwerfungen des Anthropozäns & am Ende des ersten Jahrs der Pandemie fällt es offensichtlicher schwerer, den pop-technologischen Optimismus der westlichen 70er noch zu teilen.
Doch welche Lust & Hybris steckt auch in der Angst vorm Verschwinden der eigenen Spezies? & was ist denn so wertvoll am bisher Erreichten, daß wir das Projekt „Menschheit“ unbedingt fortsetzen sollten?" 
As part of Ámà: 4 Days on Caring, Repairing and Healing at Gropius Bau, this conversation between Ulrike Kluge, Kader Attia and Injonge Karangwa explored how the concept of repair can be applied to different fields and practices, translating it across various disciplines, moderated by Margareta von Oswald.
Tahani Nadim gives the keynote lecture for the inaugural meeting of stsing, a new association for Science & Technology Studies.  
The digital project textîles – threading speculative archipelagoes makes landfall at FRACTO 2021 as a performative space where facts and fictions about textile artefacts and practices can be reclaimed from an archipelago of alternate worlds, and spun anew. This is an invitation to navigate fragments of their-stories in multiple timescapes, by collectively pulling narrative threads and following their imprints on the fabrics of the possible. 
The public program for the exhibition 'Mirror Without Memory' by Thomas Demand at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia (9 September 2021 – 31 January 2022), includes a series of discussions on the construction of public memory in the arts. Contemporary artists, researchers, writers, musicians, and filmmakers will discuss the role that various arts play in the thinking and rethinking of the past. Programme by Aleksandra Evtushenko and Andrei Zavadski.  
There are always underlying socio-political contexts, as the sociologist of science Tahani Nadim addresses in the project Data Natures that examines data practices in natural history. The project presentations as well as a panel discussion moderated by Alexandra Nehmer (ARCH+) are intended to critically discuss the conditions of mapping and inventorying, asking about possibilities of linking data sets to new narratives of cohabitation. 
The discussion with Professor Sharon Macdonald focused on her acclaimed book Memorylands: Heritage and Identity in Europe Today (2013), now translated by Robert Kusek and published in Polish by International Cultural Centre. 
Julia Leser in discussion with Chiara Bonachhi, Matthew Kerry, and Elisabeth Niklasson. Part of the History, Heritage and Politics Divisional Research Seminar series. 
The modern world is defined by the 'expansion of the past.' The past is often at the center of various social conflicts and public debate. Moreover, the communicative infrastructure of historical culture is undergoing significant changes. Digital technologies create new types of audiences and forms of representation of the past, which calls for taking into account the hybrid nature of contemporary historical culture. Against this background, the academic status of public history is as high as ever. Yet, the practical issues related to the actualization of the past in modern culture turn out to be inextricably linked to theoretical challenges. There are numerous discussions concerning the implementation of the principles of publicity, the temporal framework of modernity, effects of digital technologies, criteria of authenticity in relation to various artifacts of the past and forms of its appropriation. Theoretical ideas and concepts require reexamination and testing with regard to new social and technological contexts. This round table proposes to discuss the state of this area of knowledge and the prospects for its further development. Participants: Serge Noiret (European University Institute), Mykola Makhortykh (IKMB), Andrei Zavadski (Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage (CARMAH), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). Chair: Daria Khlevnyuk (Poletayev Institute).
The digitization of collections transforms the museum in many ways. It necessitates spatial and organizational reconfigurations, generates novel research objects and questions, and introduces new roles and processes in all areas of the museum. 
Hannes Hacke, talk in the Spirals Virtual Seminar Series, Centre for Curating the Archive, University of Cape Town 
Julia Leser is discussant on the panel "Ethische Herausforderungen der ethnographischen Forschung", with presentations by Timothy Williams, Ulrike Krause, Sezer Idil Gogus, and Alena Sander; Chair: Samantha Ruppel. Part of the DVPW Congress 2021 “Wir haben die Wahl! Politik in Zeiten von Unsicherheit und Autokratisierung”. 
Julia Leser presents her research at the DVPW Congress 2021 “Wir haben die Wahl! Politik in Zeiten von Unsicherheit und Autokratisierung”, Panel "More than a fad? – Ethnografische Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft". 
Magdalena Buchczyk gives a talk within the workshop 'Anthropology beyond text? Experiments, devices and platforms of multimodal ethnographic practice' by the Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology, HU Berlin. 
Julia Leser in discussion with Andreas Zick, and Claudius Wagemann; Chair: Adelheid Wessler. Part of the VW Status Symposium "Challenges for Europe". 
Julia Leser presents the CARMAH research project "Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe (CHAPTER)" at the VW Status Symposium in Hanover. 
Julia Leser presents her research at the Symposium "Affektive Narrative des Rechtspopulismus", organised by Brigitte Bargetz and Nina Eggers at Kiel University, Department of Social Sciences. 
Julia Leser presents her research at the CES Virtual 27th International Conference of Europeanists "Europe’s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias"; Panel 'Far Right Utopias, Far Right Dystopias' with further presentation by Rebecca Pates, Tobias Neidel, Anna Karakatsouli, and Florian Spissinger. 
Lecture by Julia Leser. Part of the Ringvorlesung 'Nationalism' at Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. 
Sharon Macdonald in discussion with Aleida Assmann and Cristina Baldacci. Part of the Akademie der Künste Transforming Archives / Arbeit am Gedächtnis series.  
Margareta von Oswald, in discussion with Ayoko Mensah, Musée d’Aquitaine and le FRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA, within the framework of the exhibition Memoria : récits d’une autre histoire. 
Irene Hilden, Jasmin Mahazi & Mèhèza Kalibani, Workshop "Colonial Collections in Berlin Universities" at Technische Universität Berlin 
Tahani Nadim provides a critical take on questions of open science and research quality in theory and practice.  
Tahani Nadim gives a lecture in the WTMC's (Netherlands Graduate Research School) Workshop Series on "Datafying Non-Humans". 
Sharon Macdonald, Margareta von Oswald, Jonas Tinius, convenors of a panel during ASA2021: Responsibility, with discussant Henrietta Lidchi, University of St Andrews 
Sharon Macdonald presents work from the Making Differences project to the Social Anthropology departmental seminar of the University of Aberdeen. 
Tal Adler and Sharon Macdonald, talk at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo. Presenting Adler's Who is ID 8470? the talk also the talk also discusses the wider context of its making and reception, as well as developments and possibilities within the relationships between anthropology and art. How far might such a work make a difference to public understanding and to curatorial practices more widely?
Hannes Hacke, paper presentation at the conference „Sexualitäten sammeln. Von Körperpraktiken, Beziehungen und grenzüberschreitenden Objekten“, Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden 
Tahani Nadim, lecture "Reproducing Species in and with Data" at the Ringvorlesung Animals As Objects at the Humbolt-Universität zu Berlin 
Julia Leser, conference ‘Gespaltene Gesellschaft? Herausforderungen für die Politische Bildung in diversen Gesellschaften’, Political Science Department, Leipzig University 
Alice von Bieberstein is a panelist in the workshop that is devoted to research on the Kurdish region, hosted and organized by the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Rojava.  
Christine Gerbich discusses with members of the Forschungskolleg Wissen | Ausstellen at Georg-August Universität Göttingen methods of doing ethnographic research on organizational learning.  
Jonas Tinius and Margareta von Oswald, discussion with Roger Sansi, Pitt Rivers Museum Research Seminar in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology, Oxford University 
Sharon Macdonald, discussion hosted by the German Historical Institute, Washington 
Tahani Nadim, virtual discussion at the seminar "Spirals: Art, Archives and the Curatorial between Cape Town and Berlin" at University of Cape Town, South Africa 
Tahani Nadim, virtual panel discussion at the conference 'Collect & Connect: Archives and Collections in a Digital Age' at Leiden University, Netherlands. 
Katarzyna Puzon, Material and Visual Culture Seminar Series, Edinburgh College of Art 
Nazlı Cabadağ, workshop 'New Perspectives in Turkey Studies in the German-Speaking Countries', Asien-Afrika-Institut, University of Hamburg 
Tal Adler, in conversation with George Mahashe, virtual seminar 'Spirals – Art, Archives and the Curatorial', organised by Duane Jethro at the Centre for Curating the Archive at the Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town 
Weaving practice is embedded in a range of personal and social values, entangled with multiple political agendas. This paper considers the complex transformation of traditional weaving in two rural sites in Poland and Romania. It explores the shifting weaving cultures and ways in which dramatic social and historical change inflected practice, skill, designs, and patterns. 
Katarzyna Puzon, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen 
Tahani Nadim, together with Ego Sowinski Ahaiwe. Seminar at The Shape of a Practice, Anthropocene Curriculum, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. 
Rural heritage often appears as "out of history", locked in pristine folkloric collections or unspoiled open-air museums. The presentation by Magdalena Buchcyzk takes a critical anthropological approach to knowledge production about rural material culture in East-Central European museums. 
Magdalena Waligórska, Ina Sorkina, Alexander Friedman and Yechiel Weizman, digital workshop hosted by the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin 
Tahani Nadim with Ingmar Lippert and Arno Simon, panel discussion for the section "Science and Technology Studies" at the Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2020 
Magdalena Waligórska, Colloquium of the Institute of Advanced Study in Berlin 
Sharon Macdonald and other Keynote lecturers, 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (online), UCL London 
Sharon Macdonald, 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (online), UCL London 
Session curated and organized by Duane Jethro and Irene Stengs (University of Amsterdam/Meertens), 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (online), UCL London 
Chiara Garbellotto and Tahani Nadim, presentation as part of CARMAH's curated session on 'Heritage and the Future of Difference', 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (online), UCL London 
26-30 August 2020: CARMAH members join the Fifth Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) with a variety of paper presentations and moderated sessions. The conference’s theme – Futures – aims to engage seriously and critically with the often stated aims of heritage to address the concerns of future generations, whilst also asking participants to think expansively and creatively about the future of critical heritage studies as an emergent field of focus across a range of academic disciplines.  
Margareta von Oswald, presentation as part of CARMAH's curated session on 'Heritage and the Future of Difference', 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (online), UCL London 
Christine Gerbich and Duane Jethro, subtheme 'Future Policies and Politics of Heritage' of the 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (online), UCL London 
Christine Gerbich, presentation as part of CARMAH's curated session on 'Heritage and the Future of Difference', 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (online), UCL London 
Christine Gerbich and Duane Jethro, presentation as part of CARMAH's curated session on 'Heritage and the Future of Difference', 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (online), UCL London 
Ingmar Lippert and Tahani Nadim, 4S/EASST 2020 (online), Prague 
Hagit Keysar, Tahani Nadim, Filippo Bertoni, and Felipe Mammoli, 4S/EASST 2020 (online), Prague 
Alice von Biberstein, speaker in Tino Seghal's piece 'The Situation', Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin 
Margareta von Oswald and Jonas Tinius, panel P179 Curating the (post)colonial in Europe and beyond, 16th EASA Biennial Conference,
New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe, Lisbon 
Alice von Bieberstein, panel P056, The Continuum of War: Narration, Accumulation and Dispossession in Transnational War Economy, 16th EASA Biennial Conference, New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe, Lisbon 
Hannes Hacke, talk given at the workshop "Das queere Museum. Interventionen ins kollektive Gedächtnis" organized by the Museumsakademie Joanneum (Graz) 
Duane Jethro, conference 'The New Museum. Ideas for the Ethnological Museum of the Future', Linden Museum Stuttgart 
Hannes Hacke, paper presentation at the seminar "Sexuality, Gender and Visual Cultures in 20th-century Germany", organized by the Rethinking Sexology project, Exeter University 
Duane Jethro, University of Amsterdam (with the cooperation of the Meertens Institute), the Netherlands 
Interview with Tahani Nadim about the research project 'Animals As Objects' in cooperation with Zoologischer Garten Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.  
Tahani Nadim, together with Filippo Bertoni and Ina Heumann. A workshop organized by the joint research project: Animals As Objects. Zoological Gardens and Natural History Museum Berlin, 1810-2020. 
Tal Adler, in cooperation with Berlin State Museums' project 'INTERVENTION M21: AM HUMBOLDTSTROM: Sammeln in 19.Jahrhundert', Institut für Kunst im Kontext, Universität der Künste Berlin 
Tahani Nadim, together with Sybille Neumeyer, presentation and panel discussion at the symposium "Biodiversity and the Cultural Landscape", Universität Wien, Österreich. 
Duane Jethro, alongside Sergio Costa and Bernd Scherer, department seminar series ‘Mauern/überschreiten’, Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt-University of Berlin 
Christine Gerbich, public discussion series 'GRASSI TALKS: NOW!', GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig 
Sharon Macdonald, lecture series 'CX | Exzess', Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich 
Session at Department III Colloquia of the Max-Planck-Institut on "Epistemology of the Zoological Closet: Curating (Dis)Order" 
Tahani Nadim, workshop 'Politics of Collecting and Knowledge Production', organised by Volkswagen Stiftung, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin 
Sharon Macdonald, celebration of 250th anniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt, The Humboldt Club Czech Republic, German Embassy Prague 
Debbie Onuoha (introducer and presenter), Zeughauskino, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin 
Tahani Nadim, Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association, Vancouver, Canada 
Jonas Tinius and Margareta von Oswald, with Anthony Shelton, Arnd Schneider, and Sowparnika Balaswaminathan, amongst others; Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association, Vancouver, Canada 
Christine Gerbich, workshop participation, Nordwestdeutsches Museum für IndustrieKultur, Nordwolle Delmenhorst, Germany 
Experimental Workshop held with Sybille Neumeyer at "Experimental Humanities", Nov 2019. Through their method of ‘experimental planting’, Nadim and Neumeyer are introducing other living and non-living records into archival tectonics. In doing so, they seek to examine questions of narratives found in and produced by agricultural practices and archives. 
Presentation on "Problematisations in environmental STS: quanti-quali patterns of political premises in conference abstracts", together with Prof. Dr. Ingmar Lippert and Dr. Arno Simons, annual conference of GWTF e. V. 
Tal Adler, workshop ‘Collections, Knowledge and Time’, Medical Museion, Copenhagen 
Katarzyna Puzon, symposium of the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies Gothenburg/London, Museum of World Cultures, Gothenburg 
Discussion with Sybille Neumeyer and Terry Jones about "Scales and Scopes of a Virus – Influenza 1918/19"  
Margareta von Oswald, workshop participation, Goethe Institut, Musée d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux, France 
Katarzyna Puzon, the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow 
Katarzyna Puzon, workshop 'Home, Mobility and Translocality: Muslim Identities between the Post-Soviet Space, Europe and Turkey', HSE University, Moscow 
Tahani Nadim, 4th annual conference of the Collaborative Research Center 'Media of Cooperation', University of Siegen 
Duane Jethro, project workshop of the Goethe Institute Brussels 'Everything Passes Except the Past', in cooperation with the Goethe Institute Barcelona and Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món 
Talk on “Capturing data creatures: from specimen to sequence and back” at Annual Conference 2019:
Data Practices: Recorded, Provoked, Invented, SFB Medien der Kooperation, University Siegen 
Sharon Macdonald, public panel discussion with international experts as part of the symposium 'Interdisciplinarity Revisited', Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss 
Katarzyna Puzon, biennial conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie (DGSKA) 'Das Ende der Aushandlungen?', University of Konstanz 
Tahani Nadim, research participation in the Anthropocene River Journey, organised by Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 
Nazlı Cabadağ, Johns Hopkins University graduate student conference 'Solidarities', Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA 
Nazlı Cabadağ, conference of the European Network for Queer Anthropology 'Writing Difference, Writing Differently', Europa University Viadrina, Frankfurt Oder, Germany 
Sharon Macdonald, conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth 2019 'Anthropological Perspectives on Gobal Challenges', University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK 
Sharon Macdonald (discussant), Alice von Bieberstein and Jonas Tinius (convenors), conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth 2019 'Anthropological Perspectives on Gobal Challenges', University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK 
Alice von Bieberstein, symposium 'Monstrous Ontologies: Politics, Ethics, Materiality', University of Roehampton, London 
Duane Jethro, meeting of the European Association of Social Anthropologists’ (EASA) Network for the Anthropology of Race and Ethnicity (ARE), Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands 
Magdalena Buchczyk (chair), conference of the Museum Europäischer Kulturen (MEK) 'What's Missing? Collecting and Exhibiting Europe', Dahlem Museums, Berlin 
Sharon Macdonald, conference of the Museum Europäischer Kulturen (MEK) 'What's Missing? Collecting and Exhibiting Europe', Dahlem Museums, Berlin 
Alice von Bieberstein, workshop 'Rituale Remixed: Gedenkpraktiken im Einwanderungsland Deutschland', Einstein Forum, Potsdam, Germany 
Symposium on "M*** mit Mineralien: Zeitgenössische Perspektiven auf ein historisches Objekt“, Grünes Gewölbe, Dresden 
Duane Jethro, 26th International Conference of Europeanists 'Sovereignties in Contention: Nations, Regions and Citizens in Europe', Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain 
Margareta von Oswald (organizer & moderator), seminar 'Réécrire le passé colonial: enjeux contemporains des collections de musée' (EHESS), in collaboration with the doctoral students of the atelier doctoral 'Le musée comme terrain: stratifications des héritages coloniaux' (EHESS) at the Institut national d'histoire de l'art, Paris 
Jonas Tinius, Gallery of the Institute of Foreign Cultural Relations, Berlin 
Debbie Onuoha, workshop lead, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin 
Christine Gerbich, Berlin State Museums' interdisciplinary discussion series 'ABOUT THE MUSEUM', Berlin 
Nazlı Cabadağ, conference 'We, the City: Plurality and Resistance in Berlin and Istanbul', organized by Blickwechsel: Contemporary Turkey Studies, Berlin 
Nazlı Cabadağ, workshop and publication meeting 'Turkey's Queer Times: Three Decades of LGBTQ+ Struggles in a Muslim Society', co-organized by University of Graz and Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey 
Margareta von Oswald, exhibition 'And Berlin Will Always Need You', with Felicity Bodenstein, Theo Eshetu, Antje Majweski, George Shire; Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin 
invited commentary by Tahani Nadim, together with Prof. Dr. Ingmar Lippert. 
Debbie Onuoha, methodological-pedagogical workshop of the We Refugees project 
Debbie Onuoha, interdisciplinary conference 'Sensing Colonial Ports and Global History: Agency, Affect, Temporality', Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, Oxford
Sharon Macdonald, conference 'Mobilities and Transnationalism in the 21st Century', University of Iceland, Reykjavik 
Nazlı Cabadağ, workshop in collaboration with Gülden Ediger (European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)), Lesbian Lives Conference: The Politics of (In) Visibility, University of Brighton, UK 
Sharon Macdonald and Michael Beaney, lab.Bode #5 Dialog. Bode Museum, Berlin 
Anna Szöke, 'GLOBAL TRACES Conference: Art Practice, Ethnography, Contested Heritage', University of Oslo, Norway 
Katarzyna Puzon, WeberWorldCafé 'Changing Neighbourhoods', organised by the Max Weber Stiftung, the Forum Transregionale Studien, the Orient Institut Beirut, and the Zentrum Moderner Orient. Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin 
Debbie Onuoha, Media and Digital Anthropology Lab, Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt-University of Berlin 
Tahani Nadim, Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt-University of Berlin  
Tahani Nadim, discussion organizer, exhibition 'The Influencing Machine', neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGfbK), Berlin 
Larissa Förster and Holger Stoecker, Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin 
Tahani Nadim, lecture series 'Zum Verhältnis von Ethnographie und Kritik: Eine Einführung in die Forschungsfelder der Europäischen Ethnologie', Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt-University of Berlin 
Tahani Nadim (co-editor), neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Berlin 
Larissa Förster and Margareta von Oswald, conference 'Sensitive Heritage - Ethnographic Museums and Material/Immaterial Restitutions', GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig 
Anna Szöke and Tal Adler, closing conference of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 '#EuropeForCulture', Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna 
Tahani Nadim, radio interview by Marie Kaiser for Radio Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) on the exhibition 'The Influencing Machine' 
Tahani Nadim, interviewed by Lorina Speder in the context of the exhibition 'The Influencing Machine', 'tip Berlin' magazine 
Tahani Nadim, co-curator of the exhibition, neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Berlin 
Tahani Nadim, live radio interview on the exhibition 'The Influencing Machine' 
Larissa Förster (chair), panel with German and Namibian academics and heritage practitioners at the symposium 'Deferred Heritage: Colonialism's Past and Present', organised by Goethe-Institut and Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz; Ethnologisches Museum, Berlin 
Margareta von Oswald, 'Kolloquium INTERVENTION M21: AM HUMBOLDTSTROM: Sammeln in 19.Jh. // Einführung ins Humboldt Forum', Kunst im Kontext, Universität der Künste, Berlin 
Debbie Onuoha, 'Kolloquium INTERVENTION M21: AM HUMBOLDTSTROM: Sammeln in 19.Jh. // Einführung ins Humboldt Forum', Kunst im Kontext, Universität der Künste, Berlin 
Sharon Macdonald, invited talk given at the workshop ‘National identities – Inauthentic Europe? The Future of European Heritage’, organised by the Leibniz-Forschungsverbund 'Historische Authentizität', Brussels 
Katarzyna Puzon, the 'Moving Subjects/Making Cities' session at the 117th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), San José, California 
Duane Jethro, symposium 'Popularized Culture, Ritual and the Making of Heritage', Meertens Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 
Tahani Nadim, workshop 'Fachspezifische Strategien und Kriterien für die Archivierung von Forschungsdaten aus ethnografischer Forschung', organised by the Fachinformationsdienst Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie, Universitätsbibliothek, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 
Anna Szöke and Tal Adler, Exhibition 'The Dead, as far as [ ] can remember', Tieranatomisches Theater, Berlin 
Katarzyna Puzon gives a lecture in the Anthropology Department Lecture Series, University of California, Riverside 
Duane Jethro, symposium 'Multiple past, which futures? Re-assembling genealogies of political struggle and contestation', Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, Bayreuth University 
Nazlı Cabadağ, presentation held at the conference 'Archiving Feminist Futures', Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 
Tahani Nadim, conference 'Archiving Feminist Futures', Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 
Sharon Macdonald, Humboldt Forum Highlights, held at the Pergamonmuseum, Berlin 
Katarzyna Puzon, the Humboldt-University series on the Future of the City 
Nazlı Cabadağ, panelist in the talk series 'Brave New Turkey?', organized by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Berlin 
Larissa Förster, intersessional meeting 'Museum und Universität: Perspektiven der Kooperation', organised by the AG Museum of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie (DGSKA), in cooperation with the museums commission of the Schweizerische Ethnologische Gesellschaft (SEG), Völkerkundemuseum, University of Zurich 
Sharon Macdonald, lecture was held for the Advanced Study Group 'Heritage and Memory beyond Place' at the University of Lund, Sweden 
Tal Adler and Sharon Macdonald, participants of the panel 'Museum Affordances', University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 
Yujie Zhu, Katarzyna Puzon and Sharon Macdonald, 4th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China 
Katarzyna Puzon, 4th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China 
Katarzyna Puzon and Klas Grinell, 4th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China 
Tahani Nadim, panel co-organisation with Antonia Walford (UCL), annual conference of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Sydney, Australia  
Tahani Nadim, with Antonia Walford, annual conference of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Sydney, Australia 
Larissa Förster, conference 'Past, Present and Future of Namibian Heritage' (organised by the University of Namibia, Museums Association of Namibia and University of Basel), University of Namibia, Windhoek 
Larissa Förster, conference 'Past, Present and Future of Namibian Heritage' (organised by the University of Namibia, Museums Association of Namibia and University of Basel), University of Namibia, Windhoek  
Katarzyna Puzon, 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Stockholm University 
Margareta von Oswald, theory workshop with Anna-Catharina Gebbers (curator), Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin 
Tahani Nadim, discussant at the conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) 2018: 'Meetings - Making Science, Technology and Society together', Lancaster, United Kingdom 
Tahani Nadim, panel co-organisation with Antonia Walford (UCL) for the conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) 2018: 'Meetings - Making Science, Technology and Society together', Lancaster, United Kingdom 
Larissa Förster, 'Kolloquium der Kunst Afrikas', Freie Universität Berlin 
Sharon Macdonald, keynote opening lecture at SWICH conference 'Exhibiting Culture, Exhibiting Empire, Exhibiting Europe', Cambridge, United Kingdom 
Larissa Förster, conference 'African Connections', Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften in Deutschland, University of Leipzig 
Tahani Nadim, conference 'Radical Open Access II - The Ethics of Care', Coventry University, United Kingdom 
Margareta von Oswald and Larissa Förster, conference 'Exchanging Perspectives: Anthropologies, Museum Collections, and Colonial Legacies between Paris and Berlin', CARMAH & Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 
Jonas Tinius and Margareta von Oswald, Panel at Royal Anthropological Institute Major Conference ‘Art, Materiality, and Representation’, British Museum/SOAS, London 
Jonas Tinius, conference 'Anthropology and Tourism' in conjunction with exhibition 'The Little Explorer's Box of Delights', Musée du Quai Branly, Paris 
Katarzyna Puzon, talk in the workshop 'Urban Valorization: Urban Cultures, Local Histories and Redevelopment Agendas', University of Amsterdam 
Katarzyna Puzon, performance, organised by the Amsterdam Museum and the University of Amsterdam 
Katarzyna Puzon, Departmental Seminar, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań 
Larissa Förster, talk at the workshop 'Umgang. Menschliche Überreste in Museen und Universitätssammlungen', Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Dresden 
Duane Jethro, interview with the journalist Lucinda Jolly for 'Business Day' 
Tahani Nadim, roundtable discussion with Jörg Niewöhner, Christoph Bareither, Ingmar Lippert and Rachel Douglas-Jones, Humboldt-Universität Berlin 
Tahani Nadim, co-organised with Rachel Douglas-Jones, Ingmar Lippert and Jörg Niewöhner, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 
Tahani Nadim, workshop organisation and participation, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin  
Sharon Macdonald, participant in panel at Humboldt Colloquium 'Moving Forward – The UK-German Research Network in a Changing World', Oxford, United Kingdom 
Nazlı Cabadağ, presentation at the workshop 'Türkeiforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum V', Universität Hamburg 
Sharon Macdonald, participant in workshop within 'Forward Looking: Workshops on the Future of Art History and Museums', Golden Anniversary Celebrations of the Department of History of Art at Birkbeck College, University of London 
Tahani Nadim, school project guided by artist Isabell Spengler for the programme 'Schools of Tomorrow', Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 
Jonas Tinius, Friedrich-Hölderlin-Gastvortrag in Allgemeiner und Vergleichender Theaterwissenschaft at the Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaften, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main 
Larissa Förster, Israel Kaunatjike (Berlin), Jürgen Zimmerer (Universität Hamburg), Konradin Kunze (Flinn Works) and Barbara Plankensteiner (Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg), panel discussion of 'Schädel X' (Konradin Kunze), Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg 
Sharon Macdonald, Lecture at 'Diversität darstellen', annual conference of the Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin 
Larissa Förster, 'Kultur am Mittag', Westdeutscher Rundfunk 3 
Jonas Tinius, Ringvorlesung ‘Tiere, Maschinen und andere Menschen. Zur anthropologischen Kritik in den Künsten', Freie-Universität Berlin
Sharon Macdonald, symposium 'Remaking the Museum: Curation, Conservation and Care in Times of Ecological Upheaval', University of Aarhus, Denmark 
Jonas Tinius, dialogue held within the collaboration between the Cité Internationale des arts and l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 'Concrete Mirror - the interstice of anthropology and visual art', La Colonie, Paris 
Larissa Förster and Heike Hartmann, RCMC Annual Conference 'Reckoning with History: Colonial Pasts, Museum Futures, and Doing Justice in the Present', Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden, the Netherlands 
Katarzyna Puzon, Workshop 'Religious? Secular? Re-thinking Islam and Space in Europe',
University of Cambridge 
Christine Gerbich, participant in workshop on 'Heritage, Religion, Authenticity and Difference', at Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin 
Christine Gerbich, annual meeting of the Archaeological Heritage Network, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin 
Jonas Tinius, lecture and moderation of two world café tables with Léontine Meijer-van Mensch (programme director Jüdisches Museum Berlin) and Paul Spies (director Stadtmuseum Berlin), annual conference of the Landesverband der Museen zu Berlin e.V., Berlin (in German) 
Jonas Tinius, department seminar, Anthropology Department, University of Manchester, UK 
Margareta von Oswald, introduction to seminar 'Réécrire le passé colonial: enjeux contemporains des collections de musée', Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (in French) 
Tahani Nadim, lecture series 'Grenzgängerinnen. Über Wucherungen und Sammlungen in Aufruhr' in collaboration with Bétonsalon - Centre d'art et de recherche, Temporary Gallery, Cologne 
Interview with Sharon Macdonald, Der Tagesspiegel, November 1st, 2017 (in German) 
Tahani Nadim, M.1 / Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung, Hohenlockstedt, Germany 
Margareta von Oswald, participant in symposium session 'Readymade Transcultural' , Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 
Sharon Macdonald, panel discussion, British Embassy, Berlin 
Sharon Macdonald, plenary panel at the German Anthropological Association Conference, Free University Berlin 
Larissa Förster, co-chairing (with Katharina Schramm, FU Berlin) of plenary panel with discussant Sharon Macdonald, biannual meeting of the German Anthropological Association, FU Berlin 
Tahani Nadim, plenary panel organised by Larissa Förster and Katharina Schramm, biannual meeting of the German Anthropological Association, FU Berlin 
Jonas Tinius, Chair and discussant of opening keynote speech and panel with Dr. Christina Johansson (Malmö University, Sweden), Léontine Meijer-van Mensch (Jewish Museum Berlin), and Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński (Vienna Academy of Fine Arts). Workshop in cooperation with the Centre for Metropolitan Studies (Technical University Berlin), W.M. Blumenthal Academy, Jewish Museum Berlin (in German) 
Jonas Tinius, with discussants Dr. Christina Johansson, Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien) and Natalie Bayer (Münchner Stadtmuseum), W.M. Blumenthal Academy, Jüdisches Museum Berlin (video, in German) 
Paneldiscussion with Larissa Förster (CARMAH), Johannes Vogel (Natural History Museum, Berlin), Christina Haak (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), Viola König (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), Hermann Parzinger (Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz), Museen Dahlem, Berlin (in German) 
Katarzyna Puzon, with MMTW, Jornadas Filosóficas de Barcelona, Centre de Cultura Contemporánia de Barcelona 
Jonas Tinius, 'Ethnography of Art / Art of Ethnography', Summer School at Villa Arson, jointly organised by FU Berlin and Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, Nice, France 
Margareta von Oswald and Vivian Ziherl, discussion as part of the exhibition 'Odarodle - An imaginary their_story of naturepeoples, 1535-2017', Schwules Museum, Berlin 
Jonas Tinius, ‘Die Phänomenologie und das Politische’, annual conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phänomenologische Forschung (DGPF), Institut für Philosophie, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany (in German) 
Jonas Tinius, art exhibition documenta14, 'The School of Everything', Parliament of Bodies, Athens, Greece 
Katarzyna Puzon, Kunstasyl and Museum Europäischer Kulturen, Berlin 
Jonas Tinius, Jeffrey Rubinoff Sculpture Park Company of Ideas Forum, Hornby Island, British Columbia, Canada 
With Larissa Förster, Mnyaka Sururu Mboro and Flinn Works (Sophia Stepf, Konradin Kunze), chaired by Manuela Bauche, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (in German) 
Margareta von Oswald & Anna Seiderer, Seminar 'Réécrire le passé colonial: enjeux contemporains des collections de musée', Centre Maurice Halbwachs (EHESS/ENS), Paris 
Jonas Tinius, art exhibition documenta14, 'The School of Everything', Nachrichtenmeisterei KMMN, Kulturbahnhof of Kunsthochschule Kassel, Germany 
Sharon Macdonald, 4th Heritage Forum of Central Europe: Heritage and Society, Krakow 
Jonas Tinius, with Solvej Ovesen, Mario Rizzi, Charlotte Bank, Ramy Al Asheq, chaired moderation, artist talk, and book presentation for Mario Rizzi’s 'Bare Lives' exhibition. Part of the annual programme 'Unsustainable Privileges' at the Galerie Wedding, Berlin 
Katarzyna Puzon, 'Moving Matters Travelling Workshop', Kapelle der Versöhnung, Wall Memorial, Berlin 
Larissa Förster, Colloquium of the Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Universität Mainz 
Margareta von Oswald & Anna Seiderer, Seminar 'Réécrire le passé colonial: enjeux contemporains des collections de musée', Centre Maurice Halbwachs (EHESS/ENS), Paris 
Jonas Tinius, with Prof. Jens Roselt und Prof. Jörg Niewöhner, Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 
Margareta von Oswald, Initiative 'TRANScuratorial Academy', Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 
Sharon Macdonald, Conference 'Assessment of Significance: Interpretation - Implication - Reinterpretation', German Historical Museum, Berlin  
Michael Lambek (University of Toronto/Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin) gives a talk as part of the departmental lecture series Modes of Relating: Methodologies in/for a Contemporary Anthropology, Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt University 
Margareta von Oswald, Seminar 'Écologie des collections. Nouvelles perspectives sur les pratiques muséales', organized by Tiziana Beltrame, Frédéric Keck, Yaël Kreplak, Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac, Paris
With Sharon Macdonald, Jörg Niewöhner, Martina Klausner, Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 
Jonas Tinius, Faculty Seminar at Department of Social Anthropology, University of St. Andrews (Scotland) 
Sharon Macdonald, roundtable discussion linked to CCP4 of the TRACES project at the Edinburgh College of Art 
Margareta von Oswald, International Workshop 'Provenienzforschung zu ethnologischen Sammlungen der Kolonialzeit', organized by the Working Group on Museums, German Anthropological Association and Museum Fünf Kontinente, Munich 
Larissa Förster with Iris Edenheiser, organized by the Working Group on Museums, German Anthropological Association and Museum Fünf Kontinente, Munich 
Jonas Tinius, Design & Anthropology Workshop, Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge (USA) 
Katarzyna Puzon, panel at 13th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) 'Ways of Dwelling, Crisis – Craft – Creativity', Göttingen 
Sharon Macdonald, panel organised by Alessandro Testa and Cyril Isnart, 13th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), Göttingen 
Margareta von Oswald, panel moderation at 'Vom Zeigen und Schauen', Grassi Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig 
Jonas Tinius, 'Experimenting with methods in critical affective research' (Panel Body07), 13th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) 'Ways of Dwelling, Crisis – Craft – Creativity', Göttingen 
Tal Adler, Anna Szöke, Jonas Tinius, 13th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) 'Ways of Dwelling, Crisis – Craft – Creativity', Göttingen
Sharon Macdonald, Panel Discussion organised by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes 
Larissa Förster with Israel Kaunatjike, Dr. Jonas Kreienbaum et al. in cooperation with Inforadio RBB (in German) 
Jonas Tinius with performing artist Wanja van Suntum, Conference 'Choreographies of Precariousness', University of Gent 
Sharon Macdonald, Symposium 'Archiving the City', Centre for Modern Studies, University of York 
Sharon Macdonald, Invited Lecture at the Alexander von Humboldt Colloquium 'Global Research in the Twenty-First Century', Washington DC 
Larissa Förster, workshop organised by Prof. Dr. Winkelmann (Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg Theodor Fontane), co-organised by Prof. em. Michael Pickering (Loughborough University), National Museum of Australia, Canberra 
Sharon Macdonald, King's College, London 
Larissa Förster, tour through the Exhibition 'German Colonialism. Past and Present', Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin (in German) 
Jonas Tinius, benefit lecture series 'Die Sprache der Bilder. Flucht in Kunst und Medien', VHS-Forum in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Cologne (in German) 
Sharon Macdonald, Historical Authenticity Ringvorlesung, Leibniz Research Alliance, German Historical Museum, Berlin 
Jonas Tinius, Symposium 'Methoden der Theaterwissenschaft', LMU Munich 
Larissa Förster, Zeitgeschichtliches Kolloquium des Jena Center 20th Century History, Universität Jena 
Sharon Macdonald, International Symposium 'Object Lesson Nr 9: Material and Knowledge', Museum der Dinge, Berlin 
Larissa Förster, Radio discussion with Prof. Ulrike Lindner (Universität zu Köln) and Prof. Jürgen Zimmerer (Universität Hamburg) (in German) 
Jonas Tinius & Roger Sansi, British Museum, London 
Sharon Macdonald, Reinwardt Academy, Amsterdam 
Jonas Tinius, 30. Bundestagung des Bundesverbands Theaterpädagogik e.V., Eberswalde 
Larissa Förster, Conference 'What do contentious objects want?', Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence 
Katarzyna Puzon, Symposium 'Visual Anthropology and the City', University College London and Royal Anthropological Institute, London 
Sharon Macdonald, Tony Bennett & Arjun Appadurai, HKW Series 'Dictionary of Now #4', Ethnological Museum, Berlin (video included) 
Jonas Tinius, Conference 'Das transkulturelle Klassenzimmer: Dinge umordnen, Erfahrungen übersetzen, Bedeutungen verändern', Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg 
Jonas Tinius, Workshop Cobratheater.cobra Netzwerktreffen, Uferstudios für zeitgenössischen Tanz, Berlin 
Jonas Tinius, Conference 'Anthropology of Character', University of St Andrews, UK 
Jonas Tinius, 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, University of Milano-Bicoccia 
Sharon Macdonald, 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, University of Milano-Bicoccia 
Sharon Macdonald, Margareta von Oswald & Henrietta Lidchi, Panel at the 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, University of Milano-Bicoccia 
Sharon Macdonald, Ethnological Colloquium, University of Hamburg 
Sharon Macdonald and Jennie Morgan, Annual Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth, University of Durham 
Christine Gerbich, Conference 'Theorie trifft Praxis? Museen, Kurator_innen und Universitäten im Feld der Geschichtsausstellung', Frankfurt am Main 
Jonas Tinius, Theater an der Ruhr, Mühlheim 
Jonas Tinius & Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll, Conference 'THE CENTRE CANNOT HOLD? New Monumentality, Neo-Modernism and Other Zombie Urban Utopias', University College London 
taz, interview with Sharon Macdonald 
Margareta von Oswald, Conference 'Curatorial Challenges', University of Copenhagen 
Margareta von Oswald, 'Fellow Me!' Academy of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Leipzig and Halle an der Salle 
Sharon Macdonald, TRACES Kickoff Meeting, University of Klagenfurt - see video 
Sharon Macdonald, Exhibition 'Transkulturelle Beziehungen, globale Biographien – islamische Kunst?', Pergamon Museum Berlin 
University of York, interview with Sharon Macdonald 
Sharon Macdonald, European Centre for Cultural Exploration, University of York 
Sharon Macdonald, Histories of Sound Data in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin